Deying Mold company supplying FAST MICH PASGT ACH model Tactical Kevlar PE Ballistic Helmet Mould,mold heating methods include oil heating, electric heating and steam heating, according to customer requirements.

There are four main steps to the thermoset composite compression molding process:
- A high strength, two part metallic tool is created that exactly matches the dimensions required to produce the desired part. The tool is then installed in a press and heated.
- The desired composite is pre-formed into the shape of the tool. Pre-forming is a crucial step that helps to improve the performance of the finished part.
- The pre-formed part is inserted into the heated mold. The tool is then compressed under very high pressure, usually ranging from 800psi to 2000psi (depending on the thickness of the part and the type of material used).
- The part is removed from the tool after the pressure is released. Any resin flash around the edges is also removed at this time.
